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Oregon educators to 9th Circuit: School officials can't restrict our speech

PORTLAND, Ore. – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys will be available for media interviews Monday following oral arguments at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in Damiano v. Grants Pass School District 7, in which attorneys with ADF and Pacific Justice Institute are representing two Oregon educators seeking to protect their freedom of speech and religion. 

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US Supreme Court unanimously rules to uphold free speech, curb discriminatory de-banking

ADF Senior Vice President of Corporate Engagement Jeremy Tedesco:  “American democracy operates best when all viewpoints are respected and allowed to exist in the marketplace of ideas. When government officials try to punish individuals or organizations with whom they disagree through de-banking, they strike at the heart of the First Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision is a big win for every American....” 

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ADF urges NC Supreme Court to uphold academic speech

ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer:  “American democracy thrives when free speech is allowed to flourish, and that is especially true on college campuses. University professors should feel confident that they can speak freely, even if their speech may upset or offend university officials....” 

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U.S. Supreme Court

Core Issues


Erik Baptist: Abortion drugs shouldn’t be available via app (Chicago Sun-Times, 2024-05-30)

Lathan Watts: Chicago Teachers Union demands are latest example of disdain for parental rights (Townhall, 2024-05-30)

Erik Baptist: The Illinois chemical abortion free-for-all puts women in danger (National Review, 2024-05-26)

Faith and Justice

Faith & JusticeFaith & Justice Magazine: Offered four times a year, Faith & Justice tells uplifting stories of victory and changed lives in which Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies have been privileged to take part.

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Featured videos:

When Big Brother contracts out censorship to Big Business (4:35)

How we’re counteracting the threat of corporate censorship (4:32)

Pushing back on the Biden administration’s social media censorship game (4:57)

The truth about the SPLC (3:24)

She was rescued from human trafficking, now Jean Marie is standing for life every day (5:55)

Women deserve equal opportunities on the playing field (4:59)

How modern “equality” comes at women’s expense (5:51)

Should “transgender women” be allowed to compete in women’s sports? (4:14)

Selina Soule’s story (3:15)

Alanna Smith’s story (3:58)

How gender ideology threatens core freedoms in K-12 schools (5:56)

Why “anti-racist” school curricula are hostile to free speech (6:14)

Parents are right: It’s time to deradicalize public education (5:35)

How courage is a winning strategy in the face of cancel culture (6:39)

When public universities deny free speech to students (5:42)